Last few Weeks in Italy
Four new grape varieties from Italy have joined the ranks and I guess this is my farewell of Italy for this summer season. As autumn proceeds and the rain is pouring down, I am packing my bags ang getting ready for my next adventure…

Two weeks now and coming on strong. I am a bit worried since everything is not as sorted as I would like, but I am working on it, and I hope to soon be able to disclose my next location. It is a bit of I flight, I will admit, but I am also really excited. If nothing else because it is springtime there.
As a bit of an unexpected twist, I have also already come to an agreement for next summer season. It is not like me to make plans for so far ahead, but I just could not pass up on this opportunity. So next summer I will return to Italy (tough I know, but someone must do it) and I will work in a castle. In a wine producing castle to be precise. That is going to be something else! Already looking forward to it!